Tinley Park Annual Holiday Show
Our famous annual Tinley Park Annual Holiday Toy Show is not to be missed! People come from Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and all over Illinois to Tinley Park High School in Tinley Park, Illinois for this once a year event. Many vendors stock pile their best items to sell at this show!
This toy show offers everyone a chance to buy their favorite new or vintage collectible toys. Pressed tin cars, Robots, Tonka trucks, Smith Miller, Hot Wheels, Japanese tin, Barbie dolls, GI Joe, Revell and Aurora plastic models, it’s all right here.
Held at Tinley Park High School, this fantastic facility offers us parking for over 300 cars and room for more than 150 tables. Tinley Park High School is right off of Interstate I-80 and has very easy to access from any direction.
If there's a new or vintage toy you've been looking for, this is the place to find it! Plastic model kits, die cast cars, space toys, action figures, battery ops, collectible dolls, slot cars, and much more.
From Antique to new there's a collectible toy here for you!